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The active involvement of other national actors including civil society is important to both promote and provide human rights education and training.

Human rights education
is learning about, through and
for human rights.

Human rights education is learning about, through and for human rights.


Non governmental organizations

can lobby governments to meet their obligation to respect, protect and fulfill the right to human rights education and assist in implementing human rights education programs.


Schools, universities and other educational institutions

can offer human rights education as a learning subject and integrate a rights-based approach into teaching methodologies.


Professional associations

can recommend human rights education and offer guidance on how human rights education can be included in professional training.


National human rights institutions and ombudsman offices

can raise awareness about the impact and benefits of human rights education and contribute to the development of policies and laws on human rights education and training.


Trade unions

can promote the inclusion of human rights education in professional training programs, including teacher training.


Educational theorists and curriculum developers

can ensure formal education policies and national curricula include quality human rights education.


Media, including news media, film and the arts

can raise awareness of human rights and report on situations using a human rights framework.


Private sector and corporations

can promote the inclusion of human rights education in professional training programs, including teacher training.


Families and communities

can reenvision daily life and work in human rights terms.

Transforming Lives: The Power of Human Rights Education

A Path to Dignity

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